Posted by ULY CLINIC
24 Machi 2021, 12:06:28
The guidance is based on proper case management aspects intended for clinicians involved in the care of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. It is not meant to replace clinical judgment or specialist consultation but rather to strengthen frontline clinical management and the public health response.
Considerations for special and vulnerable populations, such as pediatric patients, older people and pregnant women, are highlighted throughout this guideline.
This guideline emphasizes on a coordinated COVID-19 care pathway that’s multidisciplinary whereby a patient enters after being screened for COVID-19 and becomes a suspect COVID-19 case, and follows the continuum of care until release from the pathway. The objective is to ensure delivery of safe and quality care while stopping onwards-viral transmission. All others enter the health system in the non-COVID-19 pathway.
Basic psychosocial interventions are essential for supporting the emotional wellbeing of people who have COVID-19, those who have lost someone due to COVID-19, or are family members and carriers who are caring for someone with COVID-19 or have recovered from COVID-19.
Current practice to treat COVID-19 is variable reflecting large-scale uncertainty. Numerous clinical trials are underway looking at various interventions that will inform clinical practice. Providing trustworthy guidance that is comprehensive and holistic for the optimal care of COVID-19 patients, throughout their entire illness, is necessary. The previous version of the Clinical management of COVID-19 provided recommendations that can be applied when caring for patients during the COVID-19 care pathway
1.a. Disease pathophysiology (time course of the disease)
• Phase I:
• Phase II:
• Phase III
• Phase IV
Phase I:
Asymptomatic phase (0-5th day of the disease progression)
Phase II:
Symptomatic; Fever (not frequently reported, but night chills), general body malaise, loss of smell (anoxia), sore throat, muscle pain, back pain, loss of taste (ageusia), headache, cough and diarrhea, vomiting (5th to 11th day of the disease progression).
Phase III
Early pulmonary phase; shortness of breath, (11th to 14th day of the disease progression)
Phase IV
Pulmonary phase; progressive hypoxia (14th day to 28th of the disease progression)
24 Machi 2021, 20:15:45
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