It is an infection of the ocular cavity. It is an ophthalmic emergency that can cause blindness that may occur secondary to bacteraemia (endogenous infection) or following penetrating eye injury of surgery
Diagnosis Criteria
Loss of vision, may be associated with pain in the affected eye
Blood culture should be done to identify the source and how it can be treated (for bacteraemia)
In post injury or surgery, culture of specimens of aqueous or vitreous humour should be done
Pharmacological Treatment
Refer immediately to an ophthalmologist for treatment
Endogenous Endophthalmitis
Specialist initiated, vitrectomy often required
Ceftriaxone 2g IV once a day for 7 days. Adjust antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity
Ceftazidime, 2.25 mg intravitreal ,repeat after 16–24 hours
Vancomycin 1 mg intravitreal, repeat after 72 hours .Administer using separate tuberculin syringes
Post-Surgical endophthalmitis
Specialist initiated, vitrectomy often required
Ceftazidime2.25 mg intravitreal, repeat after 16 – 24 hours
Vancomycin1 mg intravitreal, repeat after 72 hours. Administer using separate tuberculin syringes
In addition, if there is soft tissue involvement or as a prophylaxis after a penetrating injury: GIVE
Ciprofloxacin (PO) 750mg 12 hourly for 7 days.
Updated on, 2.11.2020
1. STG