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Acute Headache

Diagnostic Criteria

  • Secondary to fever and infectious diseases

  • Secondary to local inflammatory cause for further actions refer to fever, eye, ear and oral sections. 

Pharmacological Treatment

  •  Paracetamol (PO) 1g every 8 hours for at least 3 days OR Ibuprofen (PO) 400mg 8 hourly for at least 3 days


  • Paracetamol 15 mg/kg/dose 6 hourly when required to a maximum of 4 doses per 24 hours If there is no relief to paracetamol give Ibuprofen (PO) 5–10mg/kg/dose 8 hourly

Note: Ibuprofen shall be given with food


Chronic Headache 

Diagnostic criteria

  • Migraine

  • Cluster headache

  • Tension headache

Pharmacological Treatment:


In acute attack give analgesics:

  •  Paracetamol (PO) 1g immediately then every 4 hours; maximum dose of 4g per day OR Acetylsalicylic acid 600mg 6 hourly. AND Metoclopramide (PO) 10mg 8 hourly. OR  Metoclopramide IV 10mg 8 hourly 

In severe attack give:

  • Ergotamine tartrate 2mg sublingual, 12 hourly. Not to be repeated at intervals less than 4 days.

  •  For prevention purposes give: Propranolol (PO) 40–80mg 12 hourly OR  Amitriptyline (PO) 10–50mg at night

 Cluster and tension headaches: Give analgesics as in acute headache

Updated on 26.10.2020


1. STG page number  1-2

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