Acute Headache
Diagnostic Criteria
Secondary to fever and infectious diseases
Secondary to local inflammatory cause for further actions refer to fever, eye, ear and oral sections.
Pharmacological Treatment
Paracetamol (PO) 1g every 8 hours for at least 3 days OR Ibuprofen (PO) 400mg 8 hourly for at least 3 days
Paracetamol 15 mg/kg/dose 6 hourly when required to a maximum of 4 doses per 24 hours If there is no relief to paracetamol give Ibuprofen (PO) 5–10mg/kg/dose 8 hourly
Note: Ibuprofen shall be given with food
Chronic Headache
Diagnostic criteria
Cluster headache
Tension headache
Pharmacological Treatment:
In acute attack give analgesics:
Paracetamol (PO) 1g immediately then every 4 hours; maximum dose of 4g per day OR Acetylsalicylic acid 600mg 6 hourly. AND Metoclopramide (PO) 10mg 8 hourly. OR Metoclopramide IV 10mg 8 hourly
In severe attack give:
Ergotamine tartrate 2mg sublingual, 12 hourly. Not to be repeated at intervals less than 4 days.
For prevention purposes give: Propranolol (PO) 40–80mg 12 hourly OR Amitriptyline (PO) 10–50mg at night
Cluster and tension headaches: Give analgesics as in acute headache
Updated on 26.10.2020
1. STG page number 1-2