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Anaemia due to deficiency of iron. Common causes of iron deficiency are chronic blood loss or poor nutritional intake. A common cause of anaemia in younger children and women of childbearing age. A full blood count showing a low MCV suggests the diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia.
Iron deficiency anaemia in children > 5 years of age, adult males and no menstruating women, is generally due to occult or overt blood loss
Risk Factors
Signs and symptoms
Diagnostic criteria
- General Measures
• Identify and treat the cause. Exclude other causes.
• Lifestyle and dietary adjustment.
Dietary advice:
• Avoid drinking tea/coffee with meals
• Increase vitamin C intake (e.g. citrus fruit, orange juice, broccoli, cauliflower, guavas, and strawberries) with meals to maintain iron in its reduced state
• Increase dietary intake of iron rich foods like liver, kidney, beef, dried beans and peas, green leafy vegetables, fortified wholegrain breads and cereals
- Children < 5 years of age:
Iron 1–2 mg/kg/dose of elemental iron (PO) 8 hourly with meals
• Follow-up Hb after 14 days.
• If Hb is lower than before, refer.
• If Hb is the same/higher, continue treatment and repeat after another 28 days.
• Continue treatment for 3 months after Hb normalises
Ferrous sulphate compound BPC (PO) 170 mg (± 65 mg elemental iron) 8 hourly with food.
Ferrous fumarate (PO) 200 mg (± 65 mg elemental iron) 8 hourly with food
o Follow up at monthly intervals
o The expected response is an increase in Hb of ≥ 2 g/dL in 4 weeks.
o Continue for 3–6 months after the Hb normalises in order to replenish body iron stores.
o Do not take iron tablets within 4 hours of taking calcium tablets.
Pregnant women: (See Anaemia in pregnancy)
Prophylaxis Infants from 6 weeks: If < 2.5 kg at birth:
• Ferrous lactate (PO) 0.3 mL daily until 6 months of age.
• Ferrous gluconate syrup (PO) 0.8 mL daily until 6 months of age.
During pregnancy:
• Ferrous sulphate compound BPC (PO)170 mg (± 65 mg elemental iron), 12 hourly.
Updated on,
20 Novemba 2020, 10:00:35
- 1. STG
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