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Shock is a state of acute circulatory failure leading to decreased organ perfusion, with inadequate delivery of oxygenated blood to tissues and resultant end-organ dysfunction and it is an emergency condition. Adherence to evidence-based care of the specific causes of shock can enhance a patient’s chances of surviving. 

Diagnostic Criteria (Presentation of Shock)

  • Low blood pressure (systolic BP below 80 mmHg) is the key sign of shock

  • Weak and rapid pulse

  • Rapid and shallow breathing

  • Restlessness and altered mental state

  • Weakness

  • Low urine output 

Types of shock & Additional Symptoms


The following investigations can be performed depending on the type of shock

  • Basic serum chemistry (including renal function)

  • Liver function tests

  • Blood culture

  • Ultrasound

  • Echocardiography

  • Lumbar puncture if a patient is suspected with meningitis 

Non-Pharmacological Treatment

Prompt diagnosis of underlying cause is essential to ensure optimal treatment.

  • Maintain open airway

  • Administer oxygen with face mask and if needed after intubation with assisted ventilation

  • Check for and manage hypoglycemia

Pharmacological Treatment

Treatment depends on the type of shock. Intravenous fluid therapy is important in the treatment of all types of shock except for cardiogenic shock. 


0.9% Sodium chloride given as the 1L bolus infusion. Repeat bolus until blood pressure is improved. Transfuse blood and plasma expanders (-) in hemorrhagic shock


0.9% Sodium chloride 20 mol/kg as a slow infusion.


  • Do not administer IV fluids in case of cardiogenic shock but maintain IV line

  • If patient develops respiratory distress, discontinue fluids but maintain IV line

  • Septicemia in children: All children with shock which is not obviously due to trauma or simple watery diarrhea should receive antibiotic cover for probable septicemia. Give ceftriaxone, IM, 50–80 mg/kg/dose immediately as a single dose.


  • Do not administer calcium containing fluids, e.g. Ringer Lactate, within 48 hours of administering ceftriaxone

  • Contra-indicated in neonatal jaundice

note dose and route of administration on referral letter.


Updated on, 26.10.2020



1. STG page number 6-7-8

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