Brain Abscess
Brain abscess is a focal collection of pus/necrotic tissue within the brain parenchyma, which can arise as a complication of a variety of infections, trauma or surgery. The manifestations of brain abscess depends on the site, size and the immune status of the patient
Diagnostic Criteria
Headache is the most common symptom
Focal neurological deficit
Vomiting and lethargy may progress to coma
A ring enhancing lesion demonstrated by a CT scan of the brain.
Non-Pharmacological Treatment
Brain abscess is generally managed by:
Controlling fever and pain with Paracetamol
If unconscious, insert NGT for feeding and urethral catheter
Pharmacological Treatment:
Management of Brain Abscess
Note: Where the patient is allergic to penicillin, chloramphenicol 500 mg IV every 6 hours can be used instead
All patient with a brain abscess should be referred to a neurosurgeon
Updated on, 31.10.2020
1. STG