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Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children

This is the type of anaemia which is caused by lack of Iron leading to microcytic and hypochromic RBCs.

Dignostic Criteria

  • Palmar pallor

  • Koilonychia and/or glossitis in Iron deficiency anaemia

  • Hb less than cut off value for age

  • Microcytic and hypochromic RBCs



  • FBP

  • Reticulocyte count

  • Iron Studies (Serum Iron, Ferritin, Total Iron Binding Capacity

  • RBC Folate and Vitamin B12


Investigate for the cause of Iron deficiency as appropriately.


Non Pharmacological treatment


  • Ensure adequate dietary intake rich in iron content.

  • Give packed RBC 10 ml/kg over 3 hours.

Pharmacological treatment


  • Give iron PO 6mg/kg of elemental iron inform of Ferrous Sulphate OR Iron syrup/drops once a day for young infants for 3 months.

  • If the child is one year or older and has not received mebendazole in the previous 6 months, give one dose of Mebendazole 500mg PO for possible hookworm or whip worm infestation

Indications for blood transfusion



Consider transfusion in normalvolemic patients ONLY if they have symptomatic anaemia. These symptoms include:

  • Heart failure

  • Difficulty breathing or Shortness of breath for no other reason,

  • Tachycardia for no other reason

  • ST depression on ECG

  • Clinically detectable dehydration or shock

  • Impaired consciousness

  • Very high malaria parasitaemia (>10% of red cells with parasites).

Giving a blood transfusion

Before transfusion, check the following:


  • The blood is the correct group and the patient’s name and number are on both the label and the form (in an emergency, cross-match group-specific blood or give Onegative blood if available)

  • The blood transfusion bag has no leaks. Do not inject into the blood pack.

  • The blood pack has not been out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours, blood is not pink or has large clots, and the red cells do not look purple or black

  • Any signs of heart failure. If present, give furosemide as above.

  • Do a baseline recording of temperature, respiratory rate and pulse rate. The volume transfused should in itially be 10 ml/kg body weight of packed red blood cells, given over 3 hours.

    • Amount of blood to be transfused

    • Formula for calculating amount of P RBC needed (in ml):

    • 3 x weights in kg x (desired Hb–current

Example. The desired Hb is 10gm/dL, therefore a 20 kg Child with a Hb of 6gm/dl, the required amount of blood is 3 x 20 x 4 =240 mls of packed (PRBC).

  • A standard blood infusion set with an in-line filter must be used to infuse all RBC transfusions.

  • The transfusion time per unit is 2 to 4hours, with a maximum time of 5 hours from the time the blood is removed from the refrigerator to the completion of transfusion.

Last updated on 01.10.2020

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  1. ​Tanzanian Standard treatment guideline for children 2017 edition page 113-114

  2. NHIS. Iron Deficiency anemia. Accessed 01.10.2020

  3. MSD manual. Iron deficiency anemia. Accessed 01.10.2020

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