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For an individual with alcohol use disorder, abstinence from alcohol usually leads to withdraw symptoms. Alcohol detoxification requires the use of medication to prevent the symptoms which could become severe and potentially lead to mortality.

Risk Factors

Signs and symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms include:
• Insomnia
• Tremors
• Chills
• Anxiety

Diagnostic criteria

Withdrawal symptoms include:
• Insomnia
• Tremors
• Chills
• Anxiety



  • Non-pharmacological

    • Support group that encourage abstinence
    • Inpatient rehabilitation programme where necessary
  • Pharmacological

    • Thiamine 300 mg I.M every 24 hours For the CNS symptoms
    • Diazepam 10 mg (PO) every 4–6 hours on the first 24 and reduce by 20% over 3–5 days (only in inpatient care)


    • Chlordiazepoxide tablets 20–60mg (PO) daily in divided doses and taper over month
    Relapse prevention following detoxification
    • Naltrexone 50mg (PO) daily decreases the craving for alcohol


Updated on,

20 Novemba 2020, 08:20:00


    1. STG
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