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Oral and dental conditions

This section describes various common oral and dental condition

Pregnancy tumors

Pregnancy tumors

They most commonly appear after first trimester, grow rapidly, and typically regress after delivery. Found on the gingiva and arise predominantly.

Ewing’s tumor

Ewing’s tumor

Ewing’s tumor is a very rare type of cancerous tumor that grows in bones or the soft tissue around bones including cartilage and nerves.

Odontogenic myxoma

Odontogenic myxoma

Is an uncommon benign odontogenic tumor arising from embryonic connective tissue associated with tooth formation.

Adenomatoid tumors (Adenoameloblastoma)

Adenomatoid tumors (Adenoameloblastoma)

Is one among the rarest benign odontogenic tumor of the jaw affecting mostly young individuals and more common in female

Amelobastic fibroma

Amelobastic fibroma

Slower growing tumor than the simple ameloblastoma and does not infiltrate between bone trabeculae

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