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Abdominal Pain


1. Upper Abdominal Pain 


Differential Diagnoses


Pain related to eating food:


  •  Dyspepsia

  •  Gastritis


Pain related to eating food but persisted for more than three months


  •  Peptic ulcers


Acute and recurrent pain in upper quadrant


  • Gallbladder diseases

  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome

  • Chronic pancreatitis

  • Diabetic autonomic neuropathy


Non-Pharmacological and Pharmacological Treatments


Treat as for main diseases


2. Lower Abdominal Pain 


Diagnostic Criteria


Pain associated with diarrhea or constipations

  • Intestinal involvement

  • Helminthes


Colicky pain in abdomen without diarrhoea or constipation


  • Colitis


Pain just before or during menstruation


  • Dysmenorrhea

  • Endometriosis


Pain over lower abdomen and back associated with excessive white discharge in women


  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases Pain during urination

  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)


Non-Pharmacological and Pharmacological


 Treatments Treat as for main disease as indicated in specific chapters 


Updated on, 26.10.2020





1. STG page number  2-3

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