Sickle cell Disease in Children
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) refers to a group of disorders that are characterized by the presence of sickle haemoglobin (Haemaoglobinopathies). The commonest SCD syndrome is Sickle Cell Anaemia (SCA).
Diagnostic Criteria
Painful swelling of hands and feet (dactylitis)
Bossing of the skull
Recurrent infections
With evidence of Hb SS on Hb Electrophoresis
Note: Patients are symptomatic from 3 months
Peripheral smear
Reticulocyte count
Sickling test and Hb Electrophoresis.
For children with sickle cell disease
Give booster doses of Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at two years and five yearly thereafter, for life.
Give Folic acid, Mebendazole and Penicillin V as shown in the table below
Folic Acid, Mebendazole and Penicillin V Dosage
Management of specific conditions
Mild pain:
Reassure, reposition for comfort, massage, distraction (stories, play) AND
Paracetamol PO 15mg/kg 6 hourly
Moderate pain: ADD
Ibuprofen PO 5mg/kg 8 hourly OR
Diclofenac IM or PO 1mg/kg 8hourly
Severe pain: ADD
Liquid morphine PO 0.5mg/kg (max 20 mg) 3 hourly OR
Pethidine IM or IV 1mg/kg 8 hourly
Reassess after 1hour and give further analgesia if needed
Oral fluids should be encouraged.
For IV infusion: Recommended IV fluids are DNS or half strength NaCl 0.45%. If not available use NS, RL as shown in the table below.
Fluid requirement in 24hrs
Divide total daily volume by 24 to obtain hourly rate.
Acute Chest Syndrome/Acute Chest Crisis
It is a complication of SCA resulting from vaso occlusive crises of pulmonary vasculature.
Diagnostic Criteria
Pleuritic pain (worse with breathing)
Respiratory distress.
With evidence of new pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray
Blood grouping and cross match
ABG analysis if SPO2<90% in room air
Chest X-ray
Serum Electrolytes
Serum Creatinine and BUN
Liver Function Tests
Non pharmacological treatment
Admit the patient
Give oxygen 2L/min to maintain SPO2>95%
Manage pain (see dose above)
Give fluids as indicated above
If SPO2<95% Give top-up transfusion to achieve Hb 10g/dL and HbS<70%
If SPO2<90% Give exchange transfusion to achieve Hb 10g/dl and HbS<30%
Do HPLC to monitor HbS concentration
Pharmacological treatment
Give antibiotics IV as in severe pneumonia (refer to section on severe pneumonia)
If above 5 yrs add
Erythromycin 12.5mg/kg 6 hourly OR
Azithromycin 10 mg/kg once daily
Diuretics are contraindicated even if signs and CXR may mimic pulmonary oedema.
Refer to the next level facility with adequate expertise and facilities
Sequestration Syndromes
Splenic Sequestration is a sudden onset of splenomegaly or enlargement of a pre-existing splenomegaly commonly in under-fives. Hepatic sequestration can also occur, usually in children over 4 years old. All these conditions can lead to hypovolaemic shock.
Diagnostic Criteria
Acute anaemia (fall of Hb ≥2g/dL from the steady state).
Premature cells (NRBC) on film, thrombocytopenia of varying degree.
High or normal reticulocyte count.
Bone marrow hyperplasia.
Regression of splenomegaly after transfusion.
Peripheral smear
Reticulocyte count
Non pharmacological treatment
Give high flow oxygen 2L/min to keep SPO2>95%.
Give 20ml/kg bolus 0.9% NS while waiting for blood.
Give Top-up transfusion to steady state Hb immediately (within 3 hours of admission)
Give fluids orally / IV (see above).
Provide pain relief (Refer to pain management section).
Pharmacological treatment
Give Ampicillin IV 50mg/kg 6 hourly for 5 days AND
Gentamicin IV 7.5mg once daily for 5 days.
This is a hyperactive splenic disorder which leads to premature destruction of blood cells and progressive enlargement of the spleen from vascular congestion, phagocytic hyperplasia, and cellular infiltration.
Diagnostic Criteria
Enlargement of the spleen.
Cytopenia: Reduction in more than one cell lines in the peripheral blood.
Compensatory marrow hyperplasia.
Peripheral smear
Reticulocyte count
Manage Cytopenia accordingly.
Definitive treatment is splenectomy.
Indications for splenectomy are:
Severe Hypersplenism: Splenomegaly>10cm and Neutrophils <0.5x109/L, Hb <5g/L, Platelet <50x109/L
At least 2 episodes of acute splenic sequestration crisis.
Defined as the persistent painful unintentional erection. If left unattended can lead to infarction subsequent penile amputation
Diagnostic Criteria
Prolonged and persistent painful penile erection more than 4 hours
Not associated with sexual intention, interest or stimulation
Encourage patient to pass urine.
Give IV fluids as above.
Aspiration of retained blood and irrigation of the corpus cavernosum.
Refer to the next level facility with adequate expertise and facilities if the condition is not resolved within 2 hours of initiation of treatment.
Neurological Manifestations
These are vaso occlusive events which occur in the major arteries supplying the brain leading to ischaemic or haemorrhagic infarcts.
Diagnostic Criteria
Unilateral weakness
Other focal neurological deficits
Neuroimaging (Preferably MRI/MRA, if not available Cranial CT),
Trans cranial Doppler Ultra Sound (TCD)
Non pharmacological treatment
Support Airway, Breathing and Circulation.
Give oxygen 2L/minute.
Give IV fluids as shown above.
Give 5mls/kg of 10% Dextrose if RBG if <2.5 mmlo/l and maintain normoglycaemia
Provide Physiotherapy & occupational therapy.
Pharmacological treatment
Give Paracetamol PO 15mg/kg if temperature is > 38.5°C
Give Phenobarbitone PO 5mg/kg/day for 1 month if the patient has a seizure
Give IV antibiotics, if meningitis is suspected. (Refer to the section on meningitis)
Give Hydroxyurea PO 15mg/kg once a day for life to prevent further infarcts
Refer to next level facility with adequate expertise and facilities
Last updated on 01.10.2020
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​Tanzanian Standard treatment guideline for children 2017 edition page 114-119
MSD manual. sickle cell disease. Accessed October 1, 2020