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Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)
Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)


It is a rare but serious problem most often caused by reaction to medicines. It causes the skin to blister and peel off.

Signs & symptoms

• Abrupt development of erythema multiform
• Patients almost invariably have a prodromal with fever, malaise, and arthralgia’s
• Erosions, hemorrhage and crusts on lips, and erosions in mouth covered by necrotic white pseudo membrane
• Involvement of the eyes in 70–90% of cases: Erosive conjunctivitis, can lead to scarring
• Involvement of genitalia in 60–70% of cases, with painful erosions

Diagnostic criteria

• Abrupt development of erythema multiform
• Patients almost invariably have a prodromal with fever, malaise, and arthralgia’s
• Erosions, hemorrhage and crusts on lips, and erosions in mouth covered by necrotic white pseudo membrane
• Involvement of the eyes in 70–90% of cases: Erosive conjunctivitis, can lead to scarring
• Involvement of genitalia in 60–70% of cases, with painful erosions




  • Non-Pharmacological treatment

  • Pharmacological

    • Admission,
    • Close monitoring (fluids, Nutrition and electrolytes)
    • Topical disinfection
    • Prompt treatment of secondary infection.

    Note: Systemic corticosteroids, if employed should be early, later in the course they increase the risk of infection and slow healing



Updated on,

3 Novemba 2020 12:38:00


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