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Spine fractures


Spine fractures
Spine fractures
Spine fractures
Spine fractures

Motor traffic injuries and falls constitute the burden of most spine injuries. Paralysis may be associated, often been brought by improper transfer of the patient to the hospital. Cspine injury is always accompanied by traumatic brain injury.

Signs and symptoms

Diagnostic Criteria

• History of trauma
• Pain
• Neurological deficit Investigation
• X-ray,
• CT scan and MRI are mandatory.



  • Pharmacological

  • Non-pharmacological

    • Immobilize the neck by collar or pillows/sand bags
    • Patient should lie flat in bed, preferably the flat bed or air mattress
    • Treat shock as per the guideline
    • Catheterize if urine retention
    • Immediate transfer to the hospital that handles specialized spine surgeries
    • Surgery of the spine often involves utilization of surgical implants such as plate, screws, rods, cage and transpedicular screws

    Note: Examine cervical spine in all traumatic brain injury patients


Updated on,

14 Novemba 2020 08:58:15


    1. STG
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