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Poison is any substance (liquid, solid, gas), that is harmful to the body, when ingested, inhaled, injected or absorbed through the skin

Alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication

It is a physiological state that include psychological alteration of consciousness induced by ingestion of ethanol (alcohol), methanol.

 Mercury toxicity

Mercury toxicity

Mercury in any form is poisonous. Poisoning can result from mercury vapour inhalation, mercury injection and absorption of mercury through the skin

Lead poisoning

Lead poisoning

Lead is a heavy metal, ubiquitous in our environment that has no physiologic role in biological systems.

Opiod poisoning

Opiod poisoning

Opiate intoxication can occur any time from birth (Delivery/ maternal opiod usage) to terminal care.

Carbon-monoxide Poisoning

Carbon-monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a byproduct of burning organic compounds, and may of its exposure occur in private residences.

Iron poisoning

Iron poisoning

Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) and other Salicylates Poisoning

Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) and other Salicylates Poisoning

Salicylates Poisoning is a medical emergency. Intentional ingestion or accidental overdose can cause severe metabolic derangements making treatment difficult. Co-ingestion of other medications can further complicate management.

Paracetamol poisoning

Paracetamol poisoning

Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol) is a common antipyretic and analgesic, that is used worldwide.

Organo-Phosphorus and Carbamate Compounds Poisoning

Organo-Phosphorus and Carbamate Compounds Poisoning

Petroleum compounds poisoning

Petroleum compounds poisoning

Petroleum Compounds Poisons examples includes kerosene, turpentine substitutes and petrol

Corrosive compounds poisoning

Corrosive compounds poisoning

Principles of management of inhaled poisoning

Principles of management of inhaled poisoning

Principles of management of poisons in contact with skin or eyes

Principles of management of poisons in contact with skin or eyes

Management of Ingested Poisons

Management of Ingested Poisons

Common poisons

Common poisons

Poison is any substance (liquid, solid, gas), that is harmful to the body, when ingested, inhaled, injected or absorbed through the skin. It is estimated that about 7 in 100,000 people in Tanzania die due to unintentional poisoning.
Pesticides were important cause of poisoning in the east Africa region followed by snake bites. Otherwise, poisoning is under-reported and data are very scarce in Tanzania.

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